How Bernstein helps to protect your ideas


Great ideas are hard to protect. In fact, you should assume that others will copy you if you’re successful. Unfortunately, the traditional intellectual property rights system, originally designed to protect the creations of innovators and promote progress, is failing to keep up the pace with the speed of business, highly complex to navigate and often leaves out the most innovative entities of all: startups & entrepreneurs of the digital age.


Bernstein is a simple web-app that gives everyone direct and affordable access to the most powerful public registry: the Bitcoin blockchain. In only a few minutes, upload and certify any idea or knowledge to secure your rights as the original owner, without ever disclosing them to anyone.
Blockchain certificates are valid worldwide, are increasingly recognized by courts and can be combined with official national timestamps in a single additional click.

See how it works


Create an account in minutes and get a first certification on the house.
No credit card required!


Bernstein at a glance

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No legal knowledge required
All you need is a browser
Drag & drop interface



No lawyer required
Start for free
Valid forever



Unlimited storage
Globally valid
Protect any digital file



Benefits for startups & entrepreneurs


Don’t let anyone prevent you from using your ideas

Big firms and patent trolls might have more financial resources and more lawyers than you, but if you can prove your rights over your ideas, the millions they spent in filing and legal fees will be worthless against you.


Peace of mind for those challenging the status-quo

Move forward knowing we've got your back: your business ideas are secured. One less concern means more focus on what really matters: creating value and growing your business.


Share and exchange ideas without worries

Ideas want to be shared. Get out there and spread the word, find collaborators & synergies, gather feedback and criticism. But always make it clear that this is your idea and deter unfair behavior by marking it as registered.


Innovators empowered to self-reliance
but not left alone

Benefit from direct access to the expertise of our partners across the globe for additional services: from contract templates to legal kits, guidance and advisory - as well as IP insurance packages - at affordable and predictable rates.